
The Astounding World of Now

…(and Then)

Video * NFT  * Animation * Sound!

Images above by Eva Davidova, Tamas Veszi, Caspar Stracke, Christopher Winter


Tamas Veszi, Christopher Winter, Haydiroket and Adrian Pocobelli, Eva Davidova,

Caspar Stracke, Thomas Draschan & Laura Ortman, Alex Hamadey

3 Nights Only! 

December 15th-17h, 2022    5-9 pm

The Drey at Weissensee Studio/Pistoriusstrasse 100/am Hamburgerplatz/Berlin

Join us as we open the magic door and invite you in for a show that asks you to remember while looking into the future, feet fixed in the present!  Some of yesteryear’s wonders on display along with modern-moment works all set to a separate soundtrack.  Deep in the heart of Berlin’s Weissensee neighborhood.  Join us for a drink and some warm art wishes.

 Thanks to Tom Rotenberg, Dani Imhoff and Bob Vitali for installation assistance