"Symbolism Reloaded"

Curated by Julia Obst and Dirk Lehr
Presented by Leo Kuelbs Collection

Visit the virtual exhibition!

On display until March 5th, 2021

Work by: Rowena Dring, Ellena Scheufler, Andreas Gefeller, Jan Holthoff, Nicole Hauck, Drew Simpson, Christopher Winter, Daniel Schüßler, Miriam Vlaming, Julien Menand, Xavier Robles de Medina, Anna Zimmermann, Nada Zerunian

"Symbolism Reloaded"

Symbolism in art is most associated with the end of the 19th century. Semi-pop works that dealt heavily in esoteric spirituality and sought to soothe discrepancies between the cruelties of the industrial age as it impacted human life.

"Symbolism Reloaded"takes these notions and applies them to another period of great upheaval and change: this contemporary reality. Uncertainty arising from digitally-driven globalism has, again, shattered life in miniature and forces a reckoning with new kinds of living and dying.

The works in "Symbolism Reloaded" seek to soothe the jagged realities of where the terrestrial and digital rub together. Nature has become a stand in for the spiritual and connections to the earth have become sacred. The brutal profanities of our time may be dealt with ironically, in an attempt to make them more manageable. Contemporary Symbolism explores this dissonance and seeks to comfort, as well articulate where humanity stands, in the midst of the ongoing colossal digital evolution.

About the Curators:
Art Collector and Intellectual Property legal expert, Dirk Lehr has written several books and articles. Based in Berlin, Germany, Herr Lehr supports a variety of artists on multiple platforms.

Julia Obst is an actor, director and art enthusiast. Most famous for her multi-year stint on German television's "Die Fallers," as well as several short films and music videos, Frau Obst is based in Berlin, Germany.