The following shows are available to license through the Leo Kuelbs Collection.
All inquiries should be directed to
Decomposition & Transcendence
A sound and video show curated by Leo Kuelbs with Aaron Riedel
Featuring new works by:
Radka Salcmannova
Naormi Meijia Wang + John Terhorst
Sarah Trouche
MarieVic + Theo Croker
Zoe Duchesne + Alex Hamadey
Thomas D. Rotenberg + Jarboe
Ryan Uzilevsky + Adam Harding
Earth Revisited
A sound and video show curated by Leo Kuelbs
Featuring new work by:
László Zsolt Bordos
Sarah Walko + Justin King
Shir Lieberman, Jonathan Phelps, + Alon Cohen
Vadim Schaeffler + Pablo Paolo Kilian
Danielle de Picciotto + Lary 7
Eike Berg + Jarboe
Nina Sobell + Laura Ortman