LIGHT YEAR 39: “Waves”

July 5th, 2018

Dusk - 10pm

The Triangle at Pearl Street and Anchorage Place


Work by: Johanna Keimeyer, Matthias Fritsch, Nicola Rubinstein, Harald V. Uccello & Mai T. Segura, Thomas D. Rotenberg

Curated by Leo Kuelbs


LIGHT YEAR 39: “Waves” uses water and flow as the basis for its content selection. The Manhattan Bridge is an important object spanning the East River as it opens into
the Atlantic Ocean. The East River is actually a tidal Basin, meaning its current flows up and down river, depending on the Ocean’s current. These basic facts are often forgotten as the millions move through the area. “Waves” places water and flow in the center stage and reminds us of water’s absolutely crucial place in our very existence.