The Drey and Leo Kuelbs Collection Present:
“In Bloom”

The Drey at
Pistoriusstrasse 100
(Am Hamburger Platz)

Friday, April 29th, 5.30-9 pm
Saturday, April 30th, 1-8 pm

Saturday at 5 pm!

By appointment:

Melissa Stechbauer, Michael Nathaniel Green, John Kissick, Laurie Skantzos, Adrian Pocobelli, Birgit Jensen, Kai Teichert, Phillipp Geist, Lucas Ngo, Christopher Winter

Juliane Pieper, Daniela Kostova, Julia Obst, Adele Oro, Keegan Luttrell

“In Bloom”
For the first time since 2019, it seems that we may have an actual art season. Between the virus, the losses, the restrictions, and now the war and its death and displacement, it has been a very awful ride. Winter was long and gray and the whole of Berlin was suffering through a mass depression.

And yet, Spring has returned. Nature’s cyclical system, though damaged, is yet undeterred.

We invite you to smile a little bit, drink a little bit of Champagne and see some artwork selected to make you happy, even if just for an hour, or so.

Spring is “In Bloom” and we invite you to share a little sunshine with us.